Rely on Trend, not on your emotions
Trending Coin provides a trend analysis on a daily basis across the crypto market, giving you an informed process to enter/exit the marketing with confidence.
Most of the folks in crypto
don't know what they're doing.
Trending coin gives you a clear picture of the market based on trends so you can make informed trades, discover new gems and take profit before the market crashes. (and it will happen)
Detect the next big movement
Our platform delivers daily trend insights across all exchanges to help you detect long-term coins and categories trends in the early days.
Discover new gems
Trending Coin analyzes the market for emerging trends, giving you the insights needed to invest confidently in the most promising cryptocurrencies.
Stop holding the downtrend
Trending Coin mitigates holding the downtrend risks by notify you when a coin exists from the uptrend
How about performance?
Performance numbers updated on a daily basis considering last 180 days.Trendingcoin uses a trend-following algorithm.
This means when the market is going down, it’s better at identifying downward trends.
Similarly, when the market is going up, it’s better at spotting upward trends.
? coins analysed
? in uptrend
?/? in profit since uptrend was detected
?% in average since uptrend was detected
? accuracy
? coins analysed
? in downtrend
?/? in profit since downtrend was detected
?% in average since downtrend was detected
? accuracy
Long story short.
What we do at Trending Coin
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Market Trends
Our free market trends report covers 4000+ coins
And it's updated daily
Today's trending coins
Overall performances
Performance numbers updated on a daily basis considering last 180 days.Trendingcoin uses a trend-following algorithm.
This means when the market is going down, it’s better at identifying downward trends.
Similarly, when the market is going up, it’s better at spotting upward trends.
? coins analysed
? in uptrend
?/? in profit since uptrend was detected
?% in average since uptrend was detected
? accuracy
? coins analysed
? in downtrend
?/? in profit since downtrend was detected
?% in average since downtrend was detected
? accuracy
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